How to make your android battery last 2-3 days - SURFING WORLD



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Monday 15 August 2016

How to make your android battery last 2-3 days

Have you been suffering from the problem of low battery everyday especially for the likes of htc battery, samsung battery, tecnobattery etc, then there is a simple trick in which you can make your battery last you last more than 2-3 days using some mighty softwares which all you need do is to have them on your phone and see how your phones battery will last you longer.what you dont know is that all android battery can usually last you more than 2-3 days with this simple but mighty software. all you need to do is to have them on your phone and see how your phone android battery last you longer.I dont need to talk much on this because the softwares speaks for its self. just followthis simple rules and know how to make android battery last longer to enjoy your android phone.
Download 1) Greenify apk
                   2)Root firewall apk (paid version free)

step one: download greenify android apk
step two:install and launch it.
step three: download root firewall apk
step four: install and run it.
Rule 1. Now all you need is to greenify all application on your phone. this will hibernate all the application you greenified, what this means is that the application will not work until you wake it up by opening it again..
Rule 2. run the root firewall, and mark all the apps on your phone, except the one you are using, please dont mark them. what this firewall do is to block the internetaccess on the apps you marked, by so doing, not only do you safe battery you also save your android data.Your phone must be rootedNOTE: The above method is use to save battery juice and also to save your data.

Download root firewall apk here
Download greenify apk here

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