Extortion Of Nigerians At Seme Border - SURFING WORLD



The world of trending trends


Monday 26 September 2016

Extortion Of Nigerians At Seme Border

I had to put this topic across in the politics section for it to be attended to quickly.For close to two months now,when travelling by road to and fro Nigeria through the Seme border,between Nigeria and Benin Repulic,The Beninoise immigration officers charge Nigerians between N500 and N1000 to stamp entry or exit in our passports,failure to pay up,your passport is thrown at you , while in Nigeria ,you either give the immigration
officer just N100 ,if you want to do so,but with a kind word of "please I don't have"you are free to go..

We keep talking about xenophobia in SA,but the way this neigbouring country,called Benin,treats Nigerians is uncalled for.And parts of their economy survives solely on Nigerians trooping in and out of their country on a daily basis.

Please we in NL needs to raise awareness about this ugly trend,that might soon blow up into something else.

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